Blog & Media

Fulfillment of our Inner Myth


So often, we seek elsewhere for the fulfillment of what we yearn for deep within. Whether it be love, pleasure, attention, distraction, or any other form of energy. We’ve been well-trained to look for it everywhere except within. Yet here within us is an entire universe of more than we could actually ever truly discover [...]

Fulfillment of our Inner Myth2023-10-05T06:36:21+00:00

Mythos of a Business – a new way for Company Culture


Mythos of a Business Every business is on some form of quest. At its most basic level, the quest of a company is to bring some product or service to the market to resolve their customers' challenges. To sustain and complete this quest involves many components, such as development, production, marketing, employees, funds, assets, etc. [...]

Mythos of a Business – a new way for Company Culture2023-10-08T01:46:43+00:00

Making use of our inner Demons.


Demons! What a gift!   I keep getting clients calling me and asking about them, so seems to be a topic to shed some Elven Wizard Majik on! Dark, powerful, and scary! The stuff of nightmares, the great enemy of the light, etc. etc.. I’ve had many clients reach out over the years asking me to [...]

Making use of our inner Demons.2023-03-10T19:27:33+00:00

Live Your Avatar


Life is so majikal when you allow it. When you open to receiving its gifts. Yet we often get wrapped up in ourselves and all the funk that seems to be swirling around the world, like monsters in the closet. All these things are waiting to get us, ruin us, and bring us down. Play [...]

Live Your Avatar2022-12-01T02:09:19+00:00

What can a Wizard do for you?


What can a wizard do for you? Well, that's a great question. There aren't too many wizards around these days.1 As a child, I created geometric portal designs. As a young teen, I discovered things like mythology, fantasy, and magic and fell in love. Eventually, in my late teens, I met my first spiritual teacher, [...]

What can a Wizard do for you?2022-12-01T02:46:33+00:00

What is Majik?


Majik is the creative life force that arises from deep within you and emerges through your unique Avatar style. Majik is the essence of all you are, expressed through the current moment. It is how you manifest and experience your life. As you strengthen your connection to your Avatar & the Realms across the Tree [...]

What is Majik?2022-12-01T02:47:37+00:00

The Stories We Live


Even as adults, we are often like children getting ourselves wrapped in stories about reality. They give our minds some semblance of comfort and stability, a frame of reference for what life is and how it works. We even use it as a way to relate to others that agree upon the same story of [...]

The Stories We Live2022-11-28T02:10:38+00:00

The mysterious gift of Light Language


What is the great mysterious gift of “Light Language?”  To me, it is a creative, unique way of expression… a channeling of realms of magic. It opens a pathway to potentialities beyond the conscious mind into the depths of our eternal multi-dimensional nature. Some say it is simply made up, which is true in a [...]

The mysterious gift of Light Language2022-08-31T00:56:42+00:00

My daily exploration the Tree of Life.


My daily exploration of the Tree of Life. A map of all that we are. A path of healing. The Tree of Life concept represents the unification of all that we are. The dark & light, the past & future, our genetic history, our humanness, and our multidimensional nature. It is our emotions, our mind, [...]

My daily exploration the Tree of Life.2022-08-13T14:39:28+00:00

Featured in Meditation Magazine


What's within you? Many never really look, caught up in an endless cycle of the temporary external reality. Would you go inside yourself and explore the unknown? In my majik article in the new issue of Meditation Magazine I discuss discovering your inner Avatar and exploring who and what you are from within. To change [...]

Featured in Meditation Magazine2022-08-13T14:41:35+00:00


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