Demons! What a gift! 

 I keep getting clients calling me and asking about them, so seems to be a topic to shed some Elven Wizard Majik on!

Dark, powerful, and scary! The stuff of nightmares, the great enemy of the light, etc. etc..

I’ve had many clients reach out over the years asking me to help them with Demons. Ones they’ve seen in their dreams, in waking life, or in their journeys within. Entities and dark forces that are often terrifying, mysterious, and powerful.

Our modern culture is rife with stories that generate more fear around them from biblical sources, movies, new age archons and dark forces, and other metaphysical concepts. Everything from dark overlords waiting to eat our souls to those controlling life here on Earth and causing all the problems we have. These judgments create division within us.   I see them as gifts, there to inspire you to YOUR GREATNESS! 

Well, I’d like to share some other perspectives. To me, yes, Demons, Angels, fairies, etc. etc. all exist whether you see them as separate beings or character reflections of our own infinite multidimensional consciousness, it’s really all the same. All realms upon the great Tree of Life within us and around us. Demons are often the scary parts of us, the dark related to fear, anger, hatred, pain, suffering, and the like. Those things most of us rather not partake of, but is really there inside all of us in some form. These are often remnants and echos of our stored memories and experiences from this life, other lives, and what’s been passed to us by our ancestry and culture. Collective imprints of patterns that we might personify as Demonic. Some are more intense than others. 

Some popular schools of thought would suggest suppressing them. Hiding them away, ignoring them, and don’t talk about them. Get “saved” from them. This pretty much never works (as we can clearly see in countless examples) and often causes an out lash of their energy. Some succumb to them fully, letting them take over the self and run rampant with goes to the opposite end of the spectrum of unbalance and disharmony. Some play the blame game of blaming the demonic forces for all the problems in the world. Awaiting their eventual downfall or overtake of us. Like a great chess game that we are victims of. This discounts our own potential, power and part of the unfolding evolution of the entirety of everything.

Might I suggest you take hold of the Demons within you, identify them, and give them a job, a purpose, and realize their ability to support one aspect of yourself? These demonic patterns can be related to unruly children that have no purpose, boundaries, or structure. When left unattended, they can run rampant, destroying the house! When given recognition, structure, love, purpose, and appreciation, they can be mastered and transformed into powerhouses of potential!

Now I understand these things can seem very scary, especially when they are heavily charged by intense experiences. We’ve all had them to some degree.For some, they may be more intense and need SUPPORT to work with them. This is why I heavily encourage you to get in clear connection with your Avatar. Your mythical superhero self, which you can discover for free through my guided meditation program at Inner Realms Journey . com

Your Avatar (mine of course, being the Elven Wizard) empowers you and gives you access to more internal resources to face these demons (For my Lord of the Rings fans, Gandolf wasn’t scared of no Balrog…) Depending on your self-empowerment, these Demons can feel like to much to face through your human self. That’s why you need your Avatar self to face them and work with them.

For example, a demon in me we’ll call Lonely Larry. It’s a deep sense of loneliness, not fitting in, and that something is wrong with me, which is why I am alone. He’s always been there in some way, and (believe it or not) when I was younger, I was fairly shy and more introverted than I am these days. Now I do spend a lot of time alone as a solo-pruener and with my love of regular travel. For the most part, I’m totally ok with it, and I do have lots of amazing wonderful people in my life that I know love me for who I am. So I know “Lonely Larry” isn’t the ultimate truth, but it’d be easy to succumb to that and let it take over. However, I’ve faced Loney Larry in my meditations as the Elven Wizard and identified “Lonely Larry” and the feelings that arise when he shows up. I’ve contemplated in meditation where he comes from; some from my own experiences as a child, some aspects from a soul level of not being physically present with soul family, experiences in other lifetimes, and the general sense of being disconnected from the Divine here in physical dense form. As the Elven Wizard, empowered, I was able to face, feel, and transform all of it.  I understand Lonely Larry’s story and why he feels the way he does. I honor that journey, that part of my own journey, and know that it’s just part of the journey. Now we can be friends, and I can put him to work (and maybe also put some flowers and leaves on him so he looks less scary!)

Now, just like a wild child, Lonely Larry feels heard, acknowledged and an important part of my team (I’ve got a big team of all sorts of creatures, or allies). Next, I give him purpose. Well, Lonely Larry if we are feeling lonely, how can we create more connections in our lives? Likely if I have a Lonely Larry, many others do. How can we create things that connect people? Lonely Larry likes this idea and agrees to put his potent energy towards these goals. He comes into union with the evolution of my soul. He is no longer fragmented, suppressed, or disconnected from all of me. He is an aspect of my own energy that can now be aligned and support the entirety of all that I am. Lonely Larry, doesn’t feel so Lonely 😉

What about these big demon overloads, archons, etc. people talk about controlling all the things? Puppet masters stringing humanity along with their dark ways. Just as we each individually carry these patterns, so does the collective. There is a version of Lonely Larry in everyone, and thus also in the collective. Lonely Larry, when unchecked, can create control and suffering on a small scale and a large scale. These are just the dynamic forces at play in the great human drama. As you align your Lonely Larry, you cast your vote to change the collective story of the great patterns that flow throughout humanity. You can be afraid and angry with them, or you can find ways to make use of them through that pattern that is within you. If you are scared that there are dark forces manipulating XYZ in the world, discover how you can setup systems that are freer and support more people. Put your demon to work! 

Your presence and ability to implement transformation within you matter! You are part of the puzzle and the great story here. 

My Lonely Larry uses his powers to create fun events, deepen my connection and love for others, and inspire me out of hermit mode to be with people. What job do you give yours?

If you need support in this process, I’d be honored to help you discover and put your demons, angels, fairies, and whatever else is inside you into alignment to support you.

May the Majik of all the Realms flow through you,

Infinite Blessings & Eternal Love,

The Elven Wizard