So often, we seek elsewhere for the fulfillment of what we yearn for deep within. Whether it be love, pleasure, attention, distraction, or any other form of energy. We’ve been well-trained to look for it everywhere except within.

Yet here within us is an entire universe of more than we could actually ever truly discover externally. Inside is an entire mythology of vast untapped energies awaiting our exploration. This external world is, at its core, a place for us to explore, test, and polish these inner mythical energies.

When we can reorient ourselves, our perception, and our devotion, we can change the game. No longer are we dependent on the ever-changing external, for we are rooted in the immensity of potential within us.

If you are ready to reorient yourself and your life, you are ready for my upcoming Dragon Intensive – Unleash your Inner Dragon. The Dragon symbolizes the mythic ancient power within us. It’s a force to be reckoned with that can unravel old paradigms and change our destiny.

Details on that under Events or here