What can a wizard do for you? Well, that’s a great question. There aren’t too many wizards around these days.1

As a child, I created geometric portal designs. As a young teen, I discovered things like mythology, fantasy, and magic and fell in love. Eventually, in my late teens, I met my first spiritual teacher, that provided the insights and remembrance for me to restore my own majik.

Simultaneously, during this process, I began making my digital visionary artwork. I was channeling sacred visions, energy frameworks, and spiritual wisdom through art to assist people to begin to reconnect with their true essence. Over the years, my visionary art has been featured in magazines, and galleries, working with all these different elements to help people to heal and restore their own personal power. Through these last 21 years, I’ve continued to study different mystical practices, mythologies, meditation styles, and healing techniques, as well as develop my own new formats inspired by past traditions.

I’ve created what I call the “Avatar Activation” experience that integrates all the systems of healing, the energy alignment, the restoration and clearing of past lives, and bringing you into a harmonious balance within all that you are. I offer a variety of session packages, as well as online digital trainings to help people understand all this wisdom and implement it practically into their day-to-day life.

My concept of being an “Elven Wizard” is what I call my “Avatar.” It is the mythic version of myself. That includes all of my human story, journey, expression, gifts, and skills and also connects me with my greater self. It is my essence that’s outside the human story. It empowers me, and gives me the courage to go above and beyond what is possible, and fulfill my service to this world. It uplifts me and invites my full presence into this world. It is the combination and integration of all that I am that allows me to tap into my full potential to support others in this world. My life has been dedicated to the service of uplifting others and restoring their full potential. It is my great honor to be of service in this way and to open the hearts of all those who crossed my path to the best of my ability

Want to unleash your original majik?

Ready to let go of your fears, limitations, and pain?

About time to live your passion, joy, and full expression?

This wizard is here to get you started…

If you’re interested in working with me, I have one on one sessions either at my office location in Boulder, Colorado, or I work with clients virtually all over the world. I offer single sessions in packages for more intensive deep dives and personal transformations

Detail on individual sessions:


If you are ready to commit to a major change in your life, check out my Avatar healing program:


Online videos & meditations:

You can also check out my videos on YouTube here https://www.youtube.com/c/AaronMichaelPyne

You can see my many powerful guided meditation journeys on Insight Timer here: https://insighttimer.com/aaronmichaelpyne

You can watch my TEDx talk here


My online courses & platforms:

Inner Realms Journey – Adventure meditation experience here (Adults & Kids!):


My 30-Day Light Language Activation course:


My 9 Part Healing Meditation Journey:


Make sure to follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/innerrealmsjourney/



Feel free to reach out with any questions, and I will see how best I can support you.

Infinite Blessings,

~The Elven Wizard