My daily exploration of the Tree of Life.

A map of all that we are.

A path of healing.

The Tree of Life concept represents the unification of all that we are. The dark & light, the past & future, our genetic history, our humanness, and our multidimensional nature. It is our emotions, our mind, our body, and our spirit are all expressions of the Tree of Life. Even our relationships, our work, and all of our daily experiences are part of it. Everything that we know we are and a massive unknown expanse of our beingness is all contained within the Tree of Life. It is the entirety of our consciousness and our energetic capacity fractured out through our inner tree. When we are ready to grow, expand, and heal, we must access more of the energy of the Tree of Life. We must expand and tend to those parts of our Tree of Life that have been damaged. When a tree leaf is ripped, it cannot provide its full potential to the tree. This is no different than when some aspect of our experience has been damaged (i.e., childhood trauma or trauma in another life, or trauma in our ancestral roots). We must move our empowered consciousness into that aspect and restore it through love. No matter how intense an experience was, they are not the entirety of our being, only one leaf or one root upon our infinite tree. When this aspect is healed, its life force (or mana) becomes active, supporting us, freeing us, and giving us life force. That aspect is no longer held, broken, or bound.
The Tree of life is also a map to the other dimensions (or Realms) that we are connected to. Whether they be faerie, angelic, star beings, devas, or the near infinite others, these are each an aspect of the great Tree of Life. Even those realms with darker expressions are aspects (aka roots) of the entirety of the Tree of Life. They are all there, awaiting you.
Pain, suffering, lack, disconnection, hatred, fear, and other distortions arise from our own internal tree being damaged. This keeps us confined in a limited experience of what’s possible for us. Many walk this world, mostly disconnected from their expanded awareness, like a tree with only a few leaves and a few roots.
While I’ve been trained in many healing modalities throughout the years, they have all been steps to this unified framework. When I work with clients one on one or in my other online resources, it is ultimately around helping the individual to reclaim and restore the Tree of Life within them. Here we unravel time, suffering, and disconnection to bring balance back to all that you are. Through what I can only sum up as majik, we travel your Tree of Life and begin to bring online those leaves, roots, and branches that have been broken. If you are ready to expand into your full expression, I’d be honored to guide you across the Tree.
In eternal service to the restoration of the Tree of Life,
~The Elven Wizard