142. Unveiling Your Divine Potential


It is the year to transform your fears, and unveil the Divine Potential that is within you. Within each of us lives a radiant spark of Divine Love. If we center our self in our heart, we are centered in the divine, and the world around us transforms into divinity. This is how we merge [...]

141. Awakened Throat Chakra


The Throat Chakra is our divine center of the expression of spiritual truth, expressing our soul’s unique nature through sound emanations. It is the portal to express our inner world with the outer world. As we transform our inner state of being we can emanate its radiance through the throat chakra bringing transformation in our [...]

140. Awakened Third Eye


The Third Eye is our spiritual eye. By envisioning in our mind the divine within every external experience – person, place, and thing, we can begin to open our Third Eye and truly see the divine spirit that surrounds us. Once opened, we can begin to see a higher truth and a divine light that [...]

139. Celestial Birthing


A new paradigm of birthing is transforming the birthing process for women around the world, allowing women the opportunity to connect with their divine nature and inner goddess as the divine feminine energies re-emerge on Earth. A shift from painful and stressful birth to ecstatic, blissful, natural births is happening, allowing mothers and children to [...]

138. Soul Integration


When we can fill ourselves with unconditional love and unconditional  willingness to embrace all differences as part of ourselves, we fill ourselves with our spiritual nature, thus opening our system to receive love from others and the world around us. Artwork co-designed with spiritual insight from visionary healer Matthew Klein www.AbsolutePresent.com

137. Activating Your Personal Mastery


Now is the moment of activating, of accepting your personal mastery. Within you is a divine master of infinite potential. It is time to let go of your fears, your doubts, your insecurities, and worries. Let them flow away like ice melting into a river. Approach each day and each challenge as a new opportunity [...]

136. Awakening the Heart Magic


By allowing our fears to flow from our being and tapping into our eternal heart, we can begin to access the divine nature that flows through us and around us. The Fairie Shaman holds her heart, showing us the way to reconnect with the magic of the animals, the plants and Mother Nature herself. The [...]

135. Keeper of the Cosmic Codes


Within each and every one of us is a vast ocean of atoms and particles. Within each of these atoms and particles is the Keeper of the Cosmic Codes. It is inherent in all. The Keeper, protects these codes until we have come to the right point in our Soul’s journey to begin the process [...]

134. Divine Geo-Matrix


All physical reality is an illusionary matrix of Divine energy. This understanding has been identified by both science and mystical experiences. Science now understands that reality is made up of light particles manifesting into and out of existence. Through conscious intention these particles can be directed. The entire “physical world” around us is purely divine [...]


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