As many of you know, the Norse mythos/lineage has been near and dear to my heart. It’s the core inspiration behind my Mead Ceremonies (the next one coming up on 2/2 in San Diego), many of my teachings, and, of course, Inner Realms Journey (which takes you on epic guided adventures to different realms on the Tree of Life, aka Yggdrasil). When I discovered this rich cosmology, it made sense on a deep level to me, as well as unified so many aspects of who I am. Through my journeys with it, I’ve experienced many of the epic beings that reside upon and within Norse mythology.  They’ve become spiritual allies on my adventure, to say the least!

They have encouraged me to extend the beautiful mythic framework to an even larger scale than what remains from the old tales we have. I believe much was lost over time. It’s been my quest to honor what we know and expand it for our experience in this modern age.

While my Inner Realms Journey experience takes you to over 60 Realms (and growing), there are ones inspired by the Old Norse Realms spoken of in the old tales. Below outlines the original 9. It’s a powerful map to understand all aspects of ones self and expand into new dimensions of being.

I hope you get to explore them and discover the Majik within!



9 Realms The Norse cosmology is intricately woven around Yggdrasil, the World Tree, which connects and sustains the Nine Realms. Each realm is a distinct cosmic realm, and they are as follows:


  1. Asgard: The realm of the Aesir, powerful and godlike beings, including Odin, Thor, and Frigg. Asgard is often associated with divine power, honor, and leadership.
  2. Midgard: The realm of humans, Earth. Midgard is the central and most familiar realm to us, where mortals reside and live out their lives.
  3. Vanaheim: Home to the Vanir, a group of deities associated with fertility, prosperity, and the forces of nature. Vanaheim and Asgard were once in conflict but later formed a truce, exchanging hostages to maintain peace.
  4. Jotunheim: The land of the Jotnar, commonly known as giants. Jotunheim is a realm of wilderness and unpredictability, with some giants being allies of the Aesir, while others are adversaries.
  5. Alfheim: The realm of the Light Elves, beings known for their beauty and luminous nature. Alfheim is often considered a realm of light and ethereal energy.
  6. Svartalfheim: Also known as Nidavellir, Svartalfheim is the realm of the Dwarves. Skilled craftsmen and blacksmiths, the Dwarves forge powerful artifacts and treasures for gods and mortals.
  7. Niflheim: A realm of ice and mist, Niflheim is associated with primordial cold and is said to be the birthplace of the first beings in Norse cosmology.
  8. Muspelheim: A realm of fire and heat, Muspelheim is inhabited by fire giants and ruled by the fire giant Surtr. It is often associated with destruction and the end of the world or end cycle known as Ragnarok.
  9. Helheim: The realm of the dead, ruled by the goddess Hel. Helheim is where those who did not die in battle, as well as those who did not achieve entrance to Valhalla, may find their afterlife.

Yggdrasil, the World Tree, binds these realms together, and its roots, trunk, and branches connect the cosmos, symbolizing the interconnectedness of all things in the Norse universe. The Nine Realms create a rich tapestry of mythology, with each realm contributing to the overall balance of the cosmos.